Descriptive Pronunciation: This is similar to a "p" or "b". However, it is not strong like a "p" in "park" nor is it strong like a "b" in "bat". It's a big softer, and somewhere in between a "p" and a "b". To keep things simple, lets call it a "b"
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is similar to a "ch" or "j." However, it is not strong like a "ch" in "cherry" nor is it strong like a "j" in "job." It is a bit softer, and somewhere between a "ch" and a "j." To keep things simple, lets call it a "j"
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is similar to a "t" or "d." However, it is not strong like a "t" in "ten," nor is it strong like a "d" in "dog." It's a bit softer, and somewhere in between a "t" and a "d." To keep things simple, let's call it a "d."
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is similar to a "k" or "g." However, it is not strong like a "k" in "kite," nor is it strong like a "g" in "great." It's a bit softer, and somewhere and between a "k" and a "g." To keep things simple, let's call it a "g."
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced like "s," such as in the word "snake."
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced like "yo," like the slang word.
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is a combination of a "y" sound with ㅓ, so it is pronounced like "yuh"
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced like "ya," such as in the expression "ya'll."
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced like "a" in the word "apple."
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced like "e" in the word "egg." You can also think of it as an "eh" sound.
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced like "m," as in the word "mother."
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is similar to an "n," such as in he word "now."
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced "ng," such as in the word "song" or "hang," but only when ㅇ is used at the end of a syllable.
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced like an "l" sound, such as in the word "long." However, when you say ㄹ, position your tongue as if you were saying "d" (such as in "dog) then say "l" instead. It will come out sounding like a cross between an "l" and an "r," and this is exactly what will you want it to sound like.
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced similar to an "h," as in the word "hall."
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced like an "o," as in the word "old."
Descriptive Pronunciation:The vowel this sound makes is similar to "uh" - as if you're thinking of something. You can also think of it as the "uh" sound at the beginning of the word "up."
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is similar to an "a," as in the word "law" or "car." You can also think of it as the "ah" sound you might say when you've realized something.
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced like "ee" in the word "tree."
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced more strongly than a ㄱ, so you can think of it as a hard "k."
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced more strongly than a ㄷ, so you can think of it as a hard "t."
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced more strongly than a ㅈ, so you can think of a hard "ch."
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced more strongly than a ㅂ, so you can think of it as a hard "p."
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is a combination of a "y" sound with ㅜ, so it is pronounced "yu" (like the English word "you").
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced like the "u" sound in the word "glue."
Descriptive Pronunciation:This is pronounced like "oo" in the word "good"